What I have learnt in my first year working as a Jr Software Engineer

Nicollet Njora
4 min readJan 19, 2021

I am a Jr Software Engineer at Kopo Kopo Inc and 2020 was my first year working full time and here is my unsolicited advice.

Some background first. I did Bsc in Informatics and Computer Science and I was fortunate enough to get my first job just before I completed my undergrad. I did not have any industry experience other than an internship I did after 3rd year. These are the things that I have learnt are important and have helped me thrive in my first year working as a Jr Software Engineer.

1. Computer science basics are very important

When joining Kopo Kopo I had never written code in ruby and here I was expected to do a whole project in the said language. What saved me is that I knew the basic concepts and it was, therefore, easy to learn the new language and framework.

Other than learning the new language in a very short amount of time, knowing the basics has helped me tremendously when debugging. You know those times you think the code has a mind of its own and it's just doing whatever it wants? Well, you are probably wrong. A program will do exactly as it is told. Having a good understanding of data structures and algorithms will help you figure out where the problem is originating from.

2. Reading code and documentation is a lifesaver

Kopo Kopo having a relatively large codebase it was extremely important for me to read the existing code. Yes, it took me a bit longer in the beginning to complete tasks but as time goes by, the code base becomes more and more familiar and it becomes easier to integrate features with the existing code base and/or fix bugs.

3. Asking the right questions might just accelerate your growth

Asking questions was not exactly my strong suit before as I am very introverted and I get anxious in such situations. You know…those doubts you get in your mind like…what if they think I am stupid or I am not worthy to be in their organisation, no? just me? Well, I had a lot of those back in Uni and even now when I think I have a handle on it, imposter syndrome creeps its ugly head back.

What has helped me most is doing extensive research so that I can ask the right questions and also provide better context on the problem I am facing. It helps me feel more confident in my questions and they are also more likely to get me to the solution. Furthermore, I am blessed to be part of a really supportive team and they all chip in whenever anyone is stuck.

4. Reading will save you from learning the hard way(ie. through failing)

I was doing this even before I joined Kopo Kopo and I have seen how far it has brought me and how it has expanded my view on the world and issues in general. The best thing about this is that it doesn’t have to be technical books or articles but it should be teaching you something.

“What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.” — Ecclesiastes 1:9

Some people have gone through what you are going through and have come out on the other side. Whether they failed or not it helps to know their experience and enable you to learn from their mistakes. Do not wait to learn from your own because it will not be pretty.

5. Contributing is just as important

When I first joined, I had no idea how I was supposed to give input when literally everyone else was more experienced. This took me some time but after doing all the above for some time I started noticing when someone had missed something during a meeting, or when someone encountered a problem similar to what I had and was able to solve it.

It took some time before I could start trusting myself to speak up, especially when it was something they were missing and I could just be telling myself that how come no one else is speaking up? Who do I think I am that I am the only one noticing this? I must be wrong. I got past this by reading, researching and asking the right questions. It gives me confidence when I am equipped and even when I am wrong, all is well as I am still learning.

Another way of contributing is sharing insightful articles or threads you come across with your team.

“Unity is strength. . . when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” — Mattie Stepanek

I wrote this for people who have the same struggles as me so that they can have a shorter learning curve than I did and be able to stand out at their workplaces even when still green. I hope this helps you in growing your career. Pay it forward to other developers by sharing this article with them.

Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash



Nicollet Njora

Software Engineer. Baker. Life enthusiast. Seeing Fuchsia makes me Flutter 😅😉.